What To Get Your Health Obsessed Friend Who Loves Fitness


Between all the traveling I've done so far this year, I think I've done a pretty good job at eating healthy and keeping a steady workout. It's not easy, but it's so worth it! When I workout I feel like I have more energy to get things done plus working out always puts me in a great mood. 

While I was shopping for new workout clothes, I thought I would create a guide for that fitness obsessed friend (we all have one or two) or even for you! You're on someone's Christmas List too, right!? Plus, I think fitness-related gifts are perfect for Christmas because January is just around the corner and the beginning of the year is when everyone is motivated to start working on new fitness-related goals. 

Some of my essentials for working out are a pretty water bottle, a cute yoga mat, and a cool gym bag. But I've included cook books, towels, workout bands, and so much more! So whether your friend is a zen vegan who practices yoga every day, or your friend goes to the  gym religiously or maybe your friend suddenly decided to do a "New Year New Me" – I got you covered!